what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!

what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!

What is IFSC Code? How to find IFSC Code of any bank? Whenever you transfer money online or transfer money from one bank to another bank,

you are asked for IFC code but do you know what is the IFSC code and why is this code used? If not, read this post carefully.

Friends, in today’s post, I will tell you about the IFSC Code, what is the IFSC Code and why is it important? Along with this, I will also tell you how to find the code of any bank?

Whenever you transfer money online or transfer money from one bank to another bank, you are asked for code but do you know what is the IFSC code and why is this bank code used? If not, read this post carefully.

Just as there is an address of the house, similarly the code is the address of a bank branch, which is very useful in online transactions. In earlier times, to send money to a bank account, one had to go to the bank and stand in a long line and wait for their number to come in, which is a bad time. So to overcome this problem, the bank code will help you, but if you are not aware of it, today we will give you complete information about the bank number.

Today every person has an account in the bank through which money can be transacted. It is not possible to exchange money without a code. If you also want to do online transactions then you must know the code of your bank.

What is the IFSC Code? How is this code?

Each branch of the banks has a unique code called IFSC Code. The IFSC code is given to all banks by the Reserve Bank of India. This character of 11 characters is used in electronic payment. The first 4 words in this code are alphabetic, indicating the bank’s name. The fifth word of this code is always 0 and the 6 digits of the last represent the branch code.


IFSC Code direct money to your account. This code is also used to facilitate NEFT, RTGS, IMPS. Apart from this, it can be used for many other things like- Internet banking, foreign money transaction, online payment, fast payment, etc. All these transactions cannot be done without this code.

Why is IFSC Code required?

As I mentioned above, this code helps in identifying the branch location of the bank. When you send money from one bank branch to another bank, you need an IFSC code or when you transfer money to another bank account online, then you have to add this code which Identifies the branch of the bank.

It is not only used in India but also in other countries. If you want to bring money from another country to your bank account or if you send money from another country to India or to another country, then you also need the code.

Always keep in mind that if you add money to your account through the home branch of the bank in which you have an account, then there is no need to give the code.

Bank IFS Code is used by NEFT and RTGS to deliver the message to the branch destination.

How to find IFSC Code?

Friends, when we transfer money to someone’s bank account, we are asked for a bank and if we do not know the IFSC code at that time, then another person has to call the code to ask but now you can use the code. You can know, but for this, only you should know which bank is there and which branch has an account.

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You can know this code in a total of three ways.

1-From online website

2-From Bank Passbook

3-From checkbook

How to know IFSC Code from Online Website?

what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!
what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!

When we only know the account number, name of the next person and the name of the branch of the bank, then we can easily know the IFSC code from the website. For this, only you should know the location of the bank branch.

First of all, you should know the name of the bank as well as the location of its branch.

Now if you have a bank name and branch location available, then open any web browser in your mobile or computer and then go to the website of Bank IFSC Code.

Now after that you will have some option show as shown in the image below.

In this, first you select your bank name (whose IFSC code you want to find).

After that, select the name of the state in which the bank is located.

Now select the name of the district after that.

Then select the branch name. Now you will get the complete details along with the name of that bank.

How to know the IFS Code from Bank Passbook?

IFS Code is given in almost all the bank’s passbook, but if you have a very old passbook available, then probably you will not get the code in it.

A book that is issued by the bank in which all the records of the transaction are printed is called a passbook. We use the passbook to monitor our transaction, which means when the transaction is done, who all is entered in the passbook. In simple words, all the activities that are taking place in your account, such as money transactions, the book that keeps it in the printing form are called passbook.

On the first page of all the bank’s passbook, the details of the user, as well as the details of the bank, are also given, in which the IFSC is also given.

How to find IFSC from the checkbook?

A checkbook is a small book in which the account holder’s name and account number are already printed. It is used to pay money for anything or to transfer money to someone. If you have a checkbook, then the person you give your checkbook sign can withdraw money means that any person can withdraw money from anyone’s account through the checkbook, but the account holder must be signed in that checkbook. Is

The checkbook of all the banks is different in appearance, in some the code is above, and in some, it is below. There are also checkbooks of some banks in which it is not written before the IFS code that it is IFS code. But if you want to find the IFS code, then in the checkbook, such a code will be found, in which the first letter of the bank name will be first and after that, there will be some code. Let me show you two checkbook examples, first checkbook is of State Bank of India in which IFS CODE is above and the second checkbook is of Indian Overseas Bank in which IFS code is given below.

There are some other ways to find the IFSC code.

Abbreviated as the Indian Financial System Code, IFSC is an 11-digit alphanumeric code, used to identify bank-branches participating in various electronic monetary transactions, such as NEFT or RTGS. Anyone can get the code in their bank passbook or on the checkbook. Apart from this, if you want to know the any bank code, then you have been told the whole process for this by which you will be able to know that the Bank code.

You can take help of Bank Passbook for searching IFSC code, IFSC code is given on the first page of the bank passbook.

If you have a bank checkbook, then the IFSC code of the bank branch remains on it.

The Indian Financial System Code of each bank can also be seen on their official website.

You can also get the IFSC code on the official website of RBI. It is mentioned along with the list of participating banks in the RTGS / NEFT network.

You can also call the IFSC code by calling your bank branch over the phone.

If you have given a check to someone, it will be valid anywhere in India. Because that checkbook contains the bank’s code so that the bankers know which bank the checkbook belongs to and which branch it belongs to.

CIFS code is used for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transactions. This code is used to represent the branch of the bank. It has the name of the first four character bank while the fifth character is zero and the remaining six characters are numeric or alphabetic which represents the branch code of the bank. IFS code represents the ‘C’ letter code in IFSC, its real name is IFS Code but people mostly know it by the name of IFSC Code.

ifsc code bank of barodaSearches

what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!

ifsc code pnbSearches

what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!

sbi ifsc codeSearches

For State Bank of India’s (SBI) 11-digit IFSC code, the initial four letters will be ‘SBIN’, and the last 6 digits will speak to a particular branch code. For instance, the IFSC code of the SBI branch at 23, Himalaya House, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110001, is SBIN0005943. Here, 005943 is the branch code. 

As per the bank’s yearly report for the monetary 2016-17, it has a client base of more than 33.75 crore, 59, 263 PAN-India ATMs, and 3.27 crore Internet banking clients.

ifsc code searchSearches

what is ifsc code: how to find IFSC code of any bank & what it is used for!

cap is MICR? 

MICR is an abbreviation for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition which is an innovation utilized in the financial business in printing the MICR codes. A MICR code is a 9-digit code that interestingly recognizes a bank and a branch partaking in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS). The initial 3 digit of the code speaks to the city code, the center ones speak to the bank code and the last 3 speaks to the branch code. One can find the MICR code at the base of a check leaf, close to the check number. It is likewise ordinarily imprinted on the main page of a bank investment account passbook.

What is the utilization of MICR Code? 

MICR Code is utilized in the handling of checks by machines. This code empowers quicker handling of checks. One is required to make reference to the MICR code while recording up different money related exchange structures, for example, s speculation structures or SIP structure or structures for move of assets and so forth. 

What is check number? 

A check number is a 6-digit number remarkably doled out to each check leaf. It is composed on the left-hand side at the base of the check. It is fitting to check for example tally and check the number on each check leaf in another check book when you get it from the bank. This is to guarantee that no check is absent from the check book. In a perfect world, you should record the exchange you have utilized each check leaf for in the exchange record slip appended toward the beginning or end of a check book. In this record, you should make reference to the check number, date of check, sum and payee.

Where is the MICR number on a check? 

A MICR number on the check is composed at the base of the check, on the right-hand side of the check number. 


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Inclining IFSC Codes 

PNB IFSC CodeAllahabad Bank IFSC CodeAndhra Bank IFSC CodeBank of India IFSC CodeCanara Bank IFSC CodeIndian Bank IFSC CodeAxis Bank IFSC CodeBank of Baroda IFSC CodeICICI IFSC CodeHDFC IFSC CodeIFSC CodeSBI IFSC code

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